19 February 2006

Sunday Musings

And now, from the woman voted "Most Likely To Be Squished Like A Bug By A Runaway Beer Truck On Her Way Home From Church" for twenty-six weeks running...

It is 9:30 on Sunday morning. I just got home from church. Let me explain to you how Sundays work for me.

Since I don't have a POV (privately owned vehicle), I use public transit. Public transit on Sundays is completely different than public transit the rest of the week, in that buses only run about once an hour, and the trains don't run as often as the rest of the week either. On a regular Sunday, I have to get up about 8:00 in order to be ready to walk out my door at 9:00 in order to actually reach the church in time for the 11:00 service. It takes me about an hour and fifteen minutes to get to church and about an hour and a half to get home. (Church is about 3 miles from my house, in case you were wondering.) So yesterday, I got to thinking that maybe I could just take the zipcar to church. That meant going to the early service, which is only 35 minutes long, so that I don't rack up a huge bill. I got up and left my apartment by 7:15 this morning. I walked half a mile to my zipcar in 10 degree weather.

Now, I have to take this opportunity to ask... Why is it that every man that I find attractive at my church winds up being Secret Service and, therefore, unapproachable???

Beyond that... When the service was over, I hopped in my zipcar, returned it to its spot, grabbed some breakfast at Best Buns and walked half a mile home (only to be passed by a bus I could have taken from Shirlington when I got to the stop closest to my apartment). I came in and looked at weather.com. It is currently 17 degrees, but feels like 4. So, it's been a successful morning. Haha.

I was gone 2 hours, spent about $20 (including car and breakfast), saw the President and First Lady and some really nice looking gentlemen with things in their ears, got some exercise, visited with God, and didn't have to wait on a single bus or train all morning. All in all, I think it's really my best option for church, so I think I'll try it again next week. :D

Much love,

BTW, guess who discovered the ability to hyperlink in her blog and loves it with all her heart? And yes, I have been here 6 months now, for those of you who noted the 26 week thing.


Anonymous said...

Well, a neat little blog, i am pleased to have this venue to keep tabs on you. I love You!
Thanks for the viceroy link.

Anonymous said...

I know all kinds of stuff about Dana, because I read about him on the internet. Have a happy day.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is very apropos. I am a happy girl. I love Aunt Lacy.
Anna Beth

Anonymous said...

We need more postings, with some new insights. Your loyal public feverishly await!